Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I know, I know...It's Been a While...

Actually, it's been over ONE WHOLE YEAR since I've last posted, and I likely have zero followers now, but I'll just have to swallow that pill. I've been thinking about posting all year, and am pretty confident that I can commit to po
sting on a regular basis in the future...and not posting just anything, mind you, but really interesting and brilliant little pieces of things I find worth sharing.

I guess that's the good thing about a long hiatus: you can re-group and re-charge! (We'll just pretend I was off exploring Europe all this time!)

As a mother of both a teenager and pre-schooler, a homeschooler, a full-time student, and artist, I think it's fair to imagine that I might have something to offer. I would certainly be interested in things that someone like me might present! In any case, it's good to be back...

So during the past year, we've moved into a lovely house that fits us quite well (despite occasional leaks and hiccups which, thankfully, the landlord efficiently covers), I am in my third semester at school (as a member of the honor society, with an almost 4.0 GPA!), my mother has moved in with us (which is actually going well, so far), and we got a chinchilla (that happened to be pregnant, so now we have two...for one!).

Lately, we are busybusybusy with homeschool and college-school, but the hubby and kids have all joined a local Kung-Fu gym, which is awesome and they love it. I've begun a garden in the backyard, and will no doubt bitch and moan about that more later!

So, it's pretty late, and I think this is probably a good, brief, back-in-the-saddle post, for now.

Wherever a man may happen to turn, whatever a man may undertake, he will always end up returning to that path which nature has marked out for him.
~ Unknown